Friday, September 25, 2009

Sidrap here I come

It just got very real in a hurry! I leave tomorrow morning for Sidrap (actually I have a one night stay in Makassar as well), and the last few days have been spent talking and planning with my counterpart. Yusran, is a 26 year old guy that comes from a family of teachers. He apparently taught himself English, and also attended the same Pesantren where he now teaches Economics. As with several things, I'm not exactly sure if I will be working with him or not. He's a very nice guy, but he 'yes's me a lot; meaning he says yes or gives me some answer even if he doesn't know or understand what I've asked. This is a very common thing in Indonesia culture, but it's very frustrating when I need to figure out a lot of things.
I do know that I will be assisting a female English professor; this was a bit of a surprise as I didn't know the school was co-ed, but apparently there are actually more female students than male. That being said there aren't that many students: for 6 grades (Jr and Sr. High schools) there are somewhere around 250 students, meaning that when I teach 10 and 11 grade I will have about 30-40 students in a class that meets 2x a week for 1hr45min each. This obviously doesn't add up to the 20 hours I'll be teaching/assisting; which is kind of confusing because initially there was talk about me having to work 6 days a week (there is school everyday, but Sunday); we've changed that though b/c I've signed a contract that says specifically 5 days. Yusran and I decided to wait and set my exact schedule when we return to Sidrap so that I/we can speak with the other teacher and perhaps the headmaster (who apparently went to university somewhere in the US).
I really cannot believe that this will be my last night to say goodbye to all of the other ETAs (though I will be travelling with some tomorrow). It's been a great 4 weeks, and I will definitely be missing my fellow 'bule's.
After talking to Yusran the Pesantren doesn't sound as remote as I was imagining (phew!), and I think I will have a little better Internet connection than I initially feared.

Sampai jumpa semua temanku!

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